by Dr. Paul Jehle

“Many that are first shall be last, and the last first.”  Mark 10:31

   When we talk to people about the Lord, we must know that there are two issues in tension – what they think they need and what eternity requires.

The “first” thing on our minds is ourselves.  We are  first in our own minds, for what is best for us is what consumes our thoughts.  If we focus on self in this life, in eternity it will be last – or lost.

One of the last things we think about is eternity – it is last on our minds, and we are not conscious about it when making decisions.

However, witnessing to someone else is bring their attention to the fact that eternity stares us in the face, and though the last thing on our minds, it ought to be first.

Where will you go when you die?

– What is your relationship with Jesus Christ?

   These are the most important questions of life!  Let us focus on these things!